Saturday, November 2, 2013

R12 Upgrade Functional Assessment Questions

Functional Assessment Questions
i) What are the EBS modules currently implemented.
Ii) Do you wish to implement any new applications after upgrading to the intended release?
How many operating units, Legal Entities and Inventory organization are available currently? Is there a primary and Secondary Ledgers (Set of Books) or only one?
What nature of Financials currently impelemented (Commercial,Public Sector or Government Financials)
What are the existing business issues\process issues you are facing.
Is there functionality in any of the modules that is not working, functional or technical issues?

Are there any outstanding issues on the current configuration which it is hoped will be resolved during the upgrade?
What are the sub-modules of Oracle Projects currently being used?
Oracle Project Costing, Oracle Project Billing or Only Oracle Project Costing?
What are the high level expectations from the business users after the upgrade to R12?
What is the number of customers in AR? What is the volume of monthly Sales invoices?
What is the number of vendors in AP? What is the volume of monthly vendor invoices?
Are internal resources, both functional and technical, from that project available for the R12 upgrade project? If yes please describe those resources in terms of role and experience level.
What third party add-on does <Client Name>  use for MICR check printing today? Is there a desire to continue using it in R12 or replace it as part of R12 upgrade?
Does <Client Name> currently use client-server ADI to publish and define FSG reports? If yes, Report Manager will need to be added to scope. Please note that R12 currently does not have a replacement for client-server ADI FSG definition functionality.
How long does the monthly close process take? What days is the staff unavailable?
Is the Journal approval being utilized?
Documentations on the current Oracle applications 11i configuration are available and up-to-date. This includes but not limited to BR100, BR030, MD050, MD070, MD120 etc.?
Will any third party applications be made obsolete as a result of the upgrade?
What are the HRMS/Payroll modules currently impelemented
How many users are there for Oracle Apps
Are multiple Language(apart from US English) being used.
In how many locations has Oracle Apps been implemented.
 If its multi-location implementation. Is it across different countries.
Is Oracle PROD running a single global instance or multiple instances.
If multiple are you looking for instance consolidation
Have you implemented Multi-Org
Would there be any need to change the basic structure existing in Oracle(COA,
Costing Method, Organization Strcuture)
Have you implemented any country specific localizations at your locations
Do you have any disaster recovery environments (that would need to be refreshed/cloned) after the go-live?
What is your fiscal calendar (e.g Jan-Dec?)
When is your Monthly Closing (.e.g last day of the monght).
Is the PROD systems used during the weekends by the users? How much downtime can be planned for the upgrade activity?
What are the WebADIs that you are using currently? Please specify.
What are the documentation available for the R System? Do you have the Oracle AIM documents BR 100s, TE 40s etc?
What is your current ACH process
How many sales/use tax locations and/or tax codes are currently defined?
What is the process for processing Employee expenses?
How would Expense report invoices be paid in the new system?
Approximately how many assets are active in the system?
How many active back accounts are defined?
Do you have invoice batches in AP or are invoices entered individually?
Please provide details on anticipated approval process for Purchase Orders and Requisitions ?
What is the intended go-live date for the upgrade?
i) Are key users empowered to make decisions (i.e., regarding configurations) to maintain progress?

ii) Is there a steering committee in place to resolve issues in a timely manner?

iii) Are internal resources, both functional and technical, from that project available for the R12 upgrade project? If yes please describe those resources in terms of role and experience level.

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